Years before COVID-19, there was SARS-CoV-1, the first identified strain of the SARS-related coronavirus. Originating in China, the first known cases occurred in November 2002, and the spread was declared to have stopped in July 2003. Among developed nations, Canada took it on the chin, especially Toronto. To revive tourism, The Rolling Stones organized a benefit concert. With the British rockers as headliners and Dan Aykroyd hosting, all that was missing was a big enough venue. Downsview Park in northern Toronto, a former military base, was the natural choice given it accommodated 800,000 when the Pope visited in 2002. Molson Canadian Rocks for Toronto (a.k.a. SARSStock) went on to be the largest rock band concert by paying attendance, attracting a total of 489,176. Canada’s own Rush was the last band added to the lineup. Late-drummer Neil Peart recalled that accepting seemed an impossibility, but “when we thought about everything Toronto meant to our lives, to our work and play, our homes and families and friends, it seemed impossible to say no!”
More than two decades on, another big crowd has descended upon Canada. This one is of the fast-money ilk and targeting the Canadian dollar. Commitments of Traders data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange reveal a record crowd in open interest in Canadian dollar (CAD) futures and options